Page name: bob's diner [Logged in view] [RSS]
2019-01-19 19:10:13
Last author: The Iron Warrior
Owner: Nekko Fox
# of watchers: 39
D20: 5
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Fake seems to have a distinct lack of place where people can all come together and chat and/or roleplay. So, I feel it is necessary to create [Bob's Diner, which will serve as a grounds for members to come, share pictures, share slutty stories, meet new friends, make fun of [Stephen]'s face, roleplay, list fetishes, hang out, and give me gold. You may link to your own wikis, advertise, upload porn, or do whatever. Consider this place a free-for-all]

If you've been invited here, feel free to say hello in the comments below.

And while you're at it, check out some of these wikis or add your own to the list:

the yiffy sexy pics page a kinky culmination of variously accrued furry smut
The sex tape pretty self explanatory
RPWhores: Roleplaying, I would assume.The Hall of Rememberance


Number of voters: 32


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2014-07-11 [Pretty Little Slut]: *wrinkles her short muzzle grumpily, getting up to pace the floor as she slams the rest of the clove qickly*

2014-07-11 [Nekko Fox]: *steals your thunder*

*runs off with thunder*

*Uses the energy inherent in the sudden release of sound to boil ramen*

*eats ramen*

*Thor doesn't get any*

2014-07-11 [Pretty Little Slut]: *looks up pouting at Nekko* I can haz noodles?

2014-07-11 [Nekko Fox]: *Hands off some noodles*

*Eats the bowl*

2014-07-11 [Pretty Little Slut]: *Noms the noodles happily* Thanky!

2014-07-11 [foxyvixen17]: *peeks out of hidey hole*

2014-07-11 [Nekko Fox]: *Eats hidey hole*

2014-07-11 [foxyvixen17]: *yelps and runs for her life*

2014-07-11 [Nekko Fox]: *Is insatiable*

*eats the yelp and starts chasing after her run*

2014-07-12 [DamionR]: *smirks then offers the Nekko a massive amount of Lightning to go with the lateness of Thunder*

2014-07-12 [Pretty Little Slut]: *sneaks in, steals the lightning and slurps it down, licking her muzzle clean afterwards*


2014-07-12 [Samerisam]: HERE COMES THE THUNDA!

2014-07-13 [DamionR]: HERE COMES THA! HERE COMES THA! *explodes like a nuke*


2014-07-13 [Nekko Fox]: *Burps*

Nukes go in the back.

2014-07-13 [Samerisam]: *heads to the back*...*hammering noises heard*

2014-07-14 [Nekko Fox]: HEY! Watch out for stray Pacos. Little bastards are going feral.

*Quiet snarling can be heard along with the occasional yelp and meaty thud of a hammer on flesh*

2014-07-14 [foxyvixen17]: i shall stay in my homework corner!

2014-07-14 [Nekko Fox]: Sorry, that's been relocated. Homework corner is now Late Assignment corner.

2014-07-14 [Pretty Little Slut]: *blinks* Well. Construction time? Can we build a dance floor with stripper space? A hot tub? 

2014-07-14 [foxyvixen17]: NEKKO YOU FURRY LIL MONSTER! i just finished getting ready to start college why you move my corner?

2014-07-14 [Nekko Fox]: Your corner was found to be an illegal immigrant, so we had it deported.

Right Paco? It's just like the rest of your family.

*Sobbing and dull, meaty-thwacks can be heard in the back*

2014-07-15 [foxyvixen17]: *sits on the ceiling pouting will a box of cookies*

2014-07-15 [Samerisam]: *comes back ooy holding a bloody hammer and wearing a bemused expression* they didnt go boom...

2014-07-15 [foxyvixen17]: Well Sam you don't go boom either

2014-07-15 [Pretty Little Slut]: Foxey, you can use my room for Homework...I PROMISE I'll be as not as distracting as construction...

*bats eyes, trying to innocence*

2014-07-15 [Nekko Fox]: That is until the pants comes off.

And the Pacos come piling out of them like clowns from a clown-car.

And next thing you know, I have to get Immigration.


2014-07-15 [Pretty Little Slut]: *looks down in shock* Wait, I'm wearing PANTS?!?!?!?!

This should change.

2014-07-15 [DamionR]: *blinks then smiles* Ah the chaos. *throws pies at people and shoots rubbers at everyone*

2014-07-15 [Pretty Little Slut]: *ducks out the door, heading out for a smoke* Lemme know when it's back to a fun place to play around here....

2014-07-15 [foxyvixen17]: *looks at Sam* meh i'll be fine

2014-07-16 [Nekko Fox]: You can play around in MY pants.

2014-07-18 [Samerisam]: *lost his pants ages ago*...*eyes the door* damnit i want a smoke too...

2014-07-18 [foxyvixen17]: No smoking for you!

2014-07-18 [Samerisam]: bleh...

2014-07-18 [Nekko Fox]: *is inconveniently on fire*

*Smokes liberally*

*the smoke detectors were disabled because seriously, how else am I gonna puff a quick one in here?*

2014-07-19 [Pretty Little Slut]: *looks through the window from outside, still smoking * yea....ill be staying out here till it goes back to a fun place to play here.

2014-07-19 [Nekko Fox]: *Waves an ashy arm*

2014-07-23 [Violen Trapist]: Half-assedly drew some porn on a receipt:


2014-07-23 [Violen Trapist]: You can't really tell through her ass, but the cashier's name was QuDarius.

2014-07-23 [Nekko Fox]: You know damn well we don't give receipts here.


Also, nice filly porn.

2014-07-23 [Violen Trapist]: Receipt store across the street. They've got some nice ass receipts if you're willing to pay a little extra. They even come with free underage anal pony porn on the back, apparently.

2014-07-23 [Nekko Fox]: *The door lazily swings open and closed, a comically cartoonish Nekko-shaped dust cloud left behind. The sound of receipts being purchased can be heard on the wind*

*Paco cries, having just finished dusting*

2014-07-23 [Violen Trapist]: You can barely even tell this is the back of a receipt!


2014-07-23 [Nekko Fox]: *A voice calls on the wind*

seems legit!

2014-07-23 [DamionR]: If that's Rarity then I slightly love you.

2014-07-23 [Violen Trapist]: And if it's just Sweetie Belle?

2014-07-23 [Nekko Fox]: Then it gets downgraded to benevolent tolerance.

*Is standing at the door, holding armloads of receipts*

2014-07-23 [foxyvixen17]: *hides in a very dark corner hissing "MLP is not worthy to be porn!"*

2014-07-23 [Violen Trapist]: Blame the receipt store for that smut.

2014-07-23 [foxyvixen17]: *continues to hiss*

2014-07-23 [Samerisam]: fuck MLP, just not in the good way.

2014-07-23 [Violen Trapist]: <img200*0:stuff/aj/3187/1406141738.jpg>

2014-07-23 [Samerisam]: their all lolis. and not good ones

2014-07-23 [foxyvixen17]: *dies from being over exposed to MLP porn*

2014-07-23 [Violen Trapist]: Fine, have a non-pony Loli: <img200*0:stuff/aj/3187/1406143656.jpg>

2014-07-23 [DamionR]: *laughs* Ah....Fantastic. Just... fantastic. *gives everyone some type of random gift like Oprah would.*

2014-07-23 [Samerisam]: <img:>

2014-07-23 [foxyvixen17]: *remains dead*

2014-07-23 [Violen Trapist]: *Oprah uses her magic to revive [foxyvixen17], only to give her the flu*

2014-07-23 [foxyvixen17]: *grumbles "You suck Oprah go back the obama's bed room"*

2014-07-24 [Nekko Fox]: <img:stuff/aj/1005/1406165175.gif>

2014-07-24 [DamionR]: Hahaha. Ah the chaos is amazing. Time for world domination!

2014-07-24 [Nekko Fox]: <img:stuff/aj/1005/1406242597.jpg>

2014-07-25 [Killopkie]: wang

2014-07-25 [Nekko Fox]: <img:stuff/aj/1005/1406265405.jpg>

2014-07-25 [DamionR]: Nekko, you are my favorite random person. xD

2014-07-25 [Nekko Fox]: And I love you, random citizen!

2014-07-26 [DamionR]: *tackles Nekko then licks cheek and walks away like nothing happened*

2014-07-26 [Nekko Fox]: *Lays there, raped*


2014-07-26 [Stephen]: How sweet. <img:>

2014-07-26 [Nekko Fox]: <img:stuff/aj/1005/1406382922.jpg>

2014-07-26 [DamionR]: Boo-ya!

2014-07-26 [Nekko Fox]: My body is ready for round 2.

2014-07-26 [DamionR]: *drags Nekko off for Rounds 2-10, laughing evilly*

2014-07-26 [Nekko Fox]: THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM!

2014-08-03 [DamionR]: *kicks back and lights up a cigar*

2014-08-03 [Pretty Little Slut]: *enters, crossing to kneel quietly beside him, her tail sweeping the floor.*

2014-08-03 [DamionR]: *smirks and pets her behind the ears, his own tail swaying slowly* Heh

2014-08-03 [Violen Trapist]: Hmm... Nobody has voted to start the poll normally.

2014-08-03 [Violen Trapist]: *cobras slither out of the poll and start eating patrons*

2014-08-03 [DamionR]: *starts to cut off said cobras heads and starts to cook them up, deep frying them as well*

2014-08-03 [Pretty Little Slut]: *Electrocutes the Cobras, her lips twisting in mild disdain as she presses into Damion's touch. *

2014-08-04 [DamionR]: *Smirks wickedly as he continues to pet his Pretty Little Slut, gently scratching behind her ears* good girl.

2014-08-04 [Pretty Little Slut]: *She churrs quietly, tipping her head to his touch*

2014-08-04 [Stephen]: It is so very difficult to not correct "an goddamn option". ):

2014-08-04 [DamionR]: What needs to be corrected?

2014-08-04 [Violen Trapist]: It was intentional anyway.

2014-08-04 [DamionR]: @.@ wandering around confused

2014-10-12 [Samerisam]: grammer nazi! XD

2014-10-13 [foxyvixen17]: *looks around wondering what will happen with the box of kittens in the kitchen*

2014-10-13 [DamionR]: *Stares in awe at the cute adorable kittens*

2014-10-13 [Nekko Fox]: *Looks up from his tablet, the article 'Bitches Ain't Shit: How to Turn Bitches to Bling' prominently displayed*

Kittens should be delivered to the back. And avoid the sweaty Asian guy, he's been eyeing them for ten minutes now.

*Goes back to his article, gets bored and starts surfing for images of ramen*

2014-10-13 [DamionR]: But the kitties!!! They need to roam free!

2014-10-13 [foxyvixen17]: They are food to the Asian Guy

2014-10-13 [DamionR]: Luckily there is no Asian Guy... *steals kittens and sets them free in a field filled with mice*

2014-10-13 [foxyvixen17]: *watches the Mice devour the kittens*

2014-10-13 [DamionR]: *blinks* Weelll fuck...

2014-10-14 [Nekko Fox]: *Watches the fleas devour the kitten-filled mice*

Hm, maybe should've store that radioactive biproducts somewhere besides the mice fields.

*Raging Asian Guys come storming in and devour the fleas*

2014-10-14 [DamionR]: *Stares dumb founded* How...? Wha...? Why...? *Shrugs* Fuck it. *Spins on his barstool*

2014-10-16 [Nekko Fox]: *watches as the Barstool rears up and consumes DamionR with a wretched belch, spitting out a shoe in the process*

Hm, maybe shouldn't have summoned those barstool-animating demons from beyond the seventh circle of hell.

*Orders Ramen porn*

2014-10-16 [DamionR]: *Falls into the gullet of a demon then growls deeply* The fuck.. *Slams his claws into the demons flesh knowing it wI'll not do much damage, he tapped into his own demonic ability then created a shadow off his left claw sliding into the emptiness. Using the shadow to come out from behind the bar, crawling from out of the shadow then brushing off what residue was left on his clothes*

Well that wasn't awkward at all.

2014-10-16 [Nekko Fox]: *Doesn't look up from his Ramen Porn (Starring Classy Sassy)*

Deliveries go in the back.

2014-10-16 [DamionR]: *Shrugs it off then cracks his neck and looks around the stock of the bar, curious of what they had* Hmmm

2014-10-16 [Nekko Fox]: We have pool water, Mexican Tap water (on special!), three colors of lava-lamp juice (comes with broken glass in the original broken lamp bottle), some dog urine I soaked up with a rag, now kept in a mason jar for sentimental reason, an actual steel bar, the blood of thirty-two Virginians, and baby drool.

*A chime sounds from the back room and several dozen Pacos go scurrying to check the delivery entrance*

2014-12-13 [Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: I'd like some lava lamp water on the rocks please

2014-12-13 [The Iron Warrior]: takes a bowling ball rolls it at the Pacos. and he gets a strike yyyaaayyyyy

2014-12-13 [Nekko Fox]: *Pulls out a .38 and put a round in each Paco. He pulls out the spare from under his chair*

It's a strike indeed.


2014-12-14 [Nekko Fox]: Put the Pacos in the Tacos tonight. It will be Double Mexican Sunday for the two customers we keep cowering in the back room. We even imported some of their tap water.

2014-12-14 [The Iron Warrior]: with or with bullets in them

2014-12-15 [Nekko Fox]: The bullets give it texture. Come on, how long have you worked here?

*Goes back to signing New Recruit Forms*

2014-12-16 [The Iron Warrior]: just a few centuries. goes to kitchen to stir ther paco taco mix. almost there the spoon almost dissolved

2014-12-16 [Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: hey give me 3

2014-12-17 [Nekko Fox]: *watches as several Pacos pass around Paco Plates*

2014-12-20 [Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: sees one whearing a t-shirt saying ( I Paco Gunn)

2014-12-20 [Nekko Fox]: *Watches as the T-shirt Paco gets dragged off by 'Human Resources' (a rabid terrier) for a breach of dress code*

Pity, he was on his way to being Supervisor.

2014-12-31 [feИmore]: Long time no see! =)

2014-12-31 [♫LilianaFox♫]: Myuu myuu

2014-12-31 [DamionR]: *Wave*

2014-12-31 [Pretty Little Slut]: Sort of a pity so many people like to ramble here. This, Imitation and a fw others used to actually be chat wikis, and not flooded with trolls and images. I pretty much just stay at Ana's house non.

2015-01-01 [The Iron Warrior]: dear ramblig on is fun

2015-01-01 [DamionR]: *Shrugs* Depends on the ramble.

2015-01-02 [Nekko Fox]: *Starts scrolling through the past 200 pages of comments*

*Notices nearly in entirety it's trolling, rambling, and images*

*Props his feet back up on his Paco Stool and opens up his copy of Paco Monthly*

*Pacos quietly*

2015-01-02 [The Iron Warrior]: as a great leddlin(<---- ancient gods of music) song says RAMBLE ON

2015-01-03 [Nekko Fox]: *Pacos on instead*

2015-01-03 [The Iron Warrior]: thats good too

2015-01-03 [Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: sing a song af pacoooooooooooooooooooossssssssss!!!

2015-01-03 [feИmore]: blah!!!

2015-01-03 [The Iron Warrior]: is blah fenmoring too lol

2015-01-03 [feИmore]: I'm bored I need some music up in her!

2015-01-03 [Nekko Fox]: *Cranks up some Pastafarian Electrodub Spanish Club Steampunk Jazz Technoswing inside a woman*

*Muffles thumps, bleeps, and explosions can be heard within a nearby customer, terrified and trying desperately to ignore it and finish her Paco Soup*

2015-01-03 [Nekko Fox]: <img:stuff/aj/1005/1420298508.jpg>

2015-01-03 [The Iron Warrior]: la la labamba nekko nekko nekko,#sings off key*

2015-01-04 [Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: runs in nekko this place is being sucked into a worm hole

2015-01-04 [Snakebyte Forktounge]: runs in to diner the bomb worked now yiffies you will be sent to a world oh shit i'm in here yyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaa

2015-01-04 [DamionR]: *Kicks back and sips his drink*

2015-01-04 [The Iron Warrior]: looks at masque. i have manged to get a good destiation for the diner its in city of silver mountain

2015-01-05 [Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: thats a nice place for your diner nekko all kinds of beings there

2015-01-06 [feИmore]: *glomps chocolate cupcakes* Yum Thanks Nekko

2015-01-06 [The Iron Warrior]: fenmore save some of those you chocolate ho

2015-01-06 [Snakebyte Forktounge]: fenmore you know chocolate isnt good for poodles arf arf

2015-01-06 [Nekko Fox]: *Gestures with his wand of Pacos*

I told you guys, deliveries in rear.

2015-01-07 [Snakebyte Forktounge]: fenmore always gets his deliveries in the rear ha ha

2015-01-08 [Violen Trapist]: *shows up at the front*

Hey, I got a delivery from corporate headquarters here. *points at a severed zebra head, with thirty $2 stamps stapled to it, he's holding with both arms*

Where does this go? *scratches his head quizzically while still pointing at the severed zebra head, with thirty $2 stamps stapled to it, he's holding with both arms*

2015-01-08 [The Iron Warrior]: looking at deliver boy.take it to the rear entrance throughthe front pointing twords front door

2015-01-08 [Violen Trapist]: Gotcha. *promptly hurls the zebra head into the incinerator, causing it to explode and release waves of dark energy into the diner*... *the screams of a million tortured souls can be heard as the energy cloud swirls and twists through the air, finally landing in the soup, where the screaming stops and a terrible silence permeates the room*

*stirs the soup*

2015-01-08 [The Iron Warrior]: @sticks finger in soup@ needs salt

2015-01-08 [Violen Trapist]: Could probably use another finger too.


*turns around and slaps Paco, who is already about three fingers in, before returning to his position over table seven*

Get in there deep, that prostate isn't going to examine itself!

2015-01-08 [The Iron Warrior]: *shakes head* not gonna be my finger bro. they are reserved for my girl!!! *pulls out ten ft anal plug* i found this in the storage room i don't need it here catch*throws it*

2015-01-08 [Violen Trapist]: I'M CHECKING MY PROSTATE, NOT MY DAMN MOLARS!

*angrily hurls the anal plug into the incinerator, causing it to explode and release waves of dark energy into the diner, which also flavors the soup*

2015-01-08 [The Iron Warrior]: the soup does need more flavoring

2015-01-08 [Violen Trapist]: True. Try putting more fingers in.

2015-01-08 [The Iron Warrior]: *goes over to tv and turns it to NEKKOLODIAN. the show star trappist is on!

2015-01-08 [Violen Trapist]: THAT TV LOOKS LIKE A BOAT! *violently smashes a bottle into the screen*

2015-01-08 [The Iron Warrior]: *screen reforms* sign on side says acme indescructable tv

2015-01-08 [Violen Trapist]: It still looks like a boat! *smashes another bottle on it*

2015-01-09 [The Iron Warrior]: hand forms out of tv grabs you and squeezes you till you pop like tube of tooth paste

2015-01-09 [The Obsidian Knight]: *in watching trapist pop!* yuk now i got trapist all over my shirt

2015-01-09 [Violen Trapist]: *body reforms*

*points at the sign on his side that says ACME Indestructible TV*

ARE YOU A BOAT OR NOT?! *tries to smash another bottle on the TV, but it toots from its smokestack and sails away*

2015-01-09 [The Iron Warrior]: what sails away the bottle the boat or the tv which is eatting a paco

2015-01-09 [Violen Trapist]: How should I know? Deliveries go around back.

*props his feet up on the TV/boat and takes a quick 15 year smoke break as angry customers shout in line*

Wait... I don't even work here... *grabs the register and sprints out the front door*

2015-01-09 [The Obsidian Knight]: * sees trapist with reg absorbsdark energy casting it like net on trappist

2015-01-09 [The Iron Warrior]: *calls out* nekko were being robbed, starts hitting trapist with 5day old giant fish!!!!

2015-01-09 [Violen Trapist]: NOT BOB'S FAMOUS 5-DAY-OLD GIANT FISH! NOW AVAILABLE WITH TARTARUS SAUCE! NNNNOOOOO! *attempts to shield his smashed, broken face from the delicious fish and sobs in pain*

2015-01-09 [Violen Trapist]: Not the face! NOT THE FAAAACE! I need that for facing things! *protects his shins* NOOOT THE FAAAAAAAAACE!!

2015-01-09 [The Iron Warrior]: you sound like the miz

2015-01-11 [Snakebyte Forktounge]: no hes not 6the miz hey nekko get your ass here

2015-01-11 [Violen Trapist]: I am too the miz! *points at his nametag that says "the muz"* See!

2015-01-11 [Nekko Fox]: *Cleans off some sludge so the tag reads "the maz"*

2015-01-11 [The Iron Warrior]: about time nekko you get here the pacos have barricaded the restrooms

2015-01-11 [Nekko Fox]: Nah, those are the showers. We put them in there. By the way, where did I put that gas bill?

2015-01-11 [The Iron Warrior]: in the gas can duh

2015-01-11 [Nekko Fox]: *Opens the gas can*

*Nothing but gas*

*Your statement was a lie*

2015-01-11 [The Iron Warrior]: duh it disolved<img:stuff/aj/9841/1421012594.jpg> <----by the way the new paco is here

2015-01-11 [Nekko Fox]: *Pushes Paco into the gas can*

That's for being disingenuous.

2015-01-11 [The Iron Warrior]: <img:stuff/aj/9841/1421013469.jpg> another paco is here nekko

2015-01-11 [Nekko Fox]: We have plenty of room in the can.

2015-01-11 [The Iron Warrior]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/9841/1421013883.jpg> THEY SAY THEY HAVE RESERVATION NEKKO

2015-01-11 [Nekko Fox]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/1005/1421014414.jpg>

2015-01-11 [The Iron Warrior]: you know theresa no fapping at the tables

2015-01-11 [Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: fapping is rude in a diner

2015-01-13 [The Obsidian Knight]: {fap,fap,fap,fap!!]

2015-01-14 [Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: fap on nekko asshole

2015-01-14 [Nekko Fox]: *Faps on*

2015-01-14 [Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: shotsanyone fapping but not nekko. loves watching nekko fap. fap more nekko let me see that nekko juice

2015-01-14 [DamionR]: *Yawns a bit then rolls random objects around in the area*

2015-01-14 [Samerisam]: *faps off*

2015-01-14 [foxyvixen17]: people cant control others

2015-01-14 [The Iron Warrior]: i'm not cleanning up this fappage in here.. and you know foxy is the health inspector!!!

2015-01-14 [foxyvixen17]: LEAVE THEN

2015-01-14 [The Iron Warrior]: hey i cant my shift isnt over foxy

2015-01-15 [The Obsidian Knight]: ew fappage all over foxy you should close this dinerr and make nekko pay fap fines

2015-01-16 [Nekko Fox]: You can't stop the love. Besides, where do you think the shots came from? That Fox Juice (Fresh Squeezed Colorado Cub Milk) ain't cheap.

*continues fapping. Bob's Diner and Interactive Strip Show was back in business*

2015-01-17 [Snakebyte Forktounge]: Nekko fap is good for plants I hear!

2015-01-18 [Nekko Fox]: Sometimes. When the cats aren't eating them.

2015-01-19 [Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: What nekko the Fap or the plants?

2015-01-19 [Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: Nekko i found some bottles if you like them please keep them, don't get mad for me putting that picture up I thoght it was really nice!! Take it down if it displeases you!!

2015-01-19 [The Obsidian Knight]: *walks in with glowing white samurai sword* Furries Your death is nigh!

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